Wednesday, February 21
from 6 to 9 PM
Let’s mingle like we’re back in college with beer and pizza!
All graduates of Yale College and all Graduate Schools
AND their friends are invited.
For ONLY $20 (pre-sale, $25 CASH at the door) you can consume
all the beer and pizza you can responsibly drink (and eat).
This is a show-up-when-you-want-stay-as- long-as-you-like event.
You can also purchase your own food and drink for a $5 cover charge.
We’ll start sweeping you out the door at 9 pm.
Children are free, but they can’t drink any beer. If they don’t eat pizza, you can always purchase food for them.
Hopworks is a children-friendly brewpub and the room we have has a play space for children.
For discounted $20 tickets
$25 per person CASH at the door for Pizza and Beer
$ 5 per person CASH at the door for a seat at the table and “purchase your own food and beverage”
Hopworks Urban Brewery
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
6 PM – 9 PM PST